The corona virus struck and Vetiva needed to evolve its desktop application to accommodate business continuity and remote work policy.
Vetiva was incurring extra cost from both running the system on WDE and its IT infrastructure on-prem. Power is a problem in Lagos, and this implies spending huge amounts on Diesel Fuel every month to keeps the lights on.
Frequent power outages meant the inability to work over the weekends. It also meant several services were not available to staff operating remotely.
The objective of this implementation was multiple fold – dropping OpEx cost, enabling Remote Work, and ensuring Business Continuity.
Use of service principal and azure key vault to manage deployment and application variables. Use of WAF in protecting the customer portal and use of load balancer to on the customer portal. Use of Azure Monitor and application insights to track performance and downtime. Migration of the on-prem core application to the Azure using App Service.
The system was migrated in 3 days. It started on a Friday. By Sunday, the Vetiva team started testing to confirm that all components of the app was fine. This was to enable them trade from the Monday being a business day.
The migration process included the GriffinERP team of Reliance and the IT unit of Vetiva.
The planned goal of not disrupting normal operational workflow of Vetiva was achieved.